The TEPPE Group is fully committed to protecting your personal data, regardless of its nature. We believe that the way we manage privacy is a fundamental aspect of our responsibility to all our customers and, of course, a decisive factor in earning their trust. That’s why our commitment is not limited to ensuring compliance with the law. It is to foster a culture that respects privacy and justifies the trust placed in us.

Thus, the privacy of users and their personal data is a fundamental commitment of all TEPPE Group companies. For the purposes of this TEPPE Group Privacy Policy, all companies identified in the organisational structure shall be understood.

The TEPPE Group advises you to read this Privacy Policy, as well as the Terms and Conditions available on each website of the TEPPE Group companies.

This Privacy and Cookies Policy regulates the processing of users’ personal data (hereinafter “User” or “Users”) collected by the TEPPE Group, as data controller.

The provision of personal data for browsing the website is subject to knowledge and express acceptance of this Privacy and Cookies Policy.

This Policy is supplemented by the Terms of Use, available here.


What data do we collect?

Accessing and browsing the website in general does not necessarily require the provision of personal data.

However, the use of certain features of the Website, such as filling in information request forms, bookings or job applications, will determine the processing of personally identifiable data.

The personal data collected is necessary for the purpose for which you have contacted us, processing data such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, subject, VAT number (in the case of a commercial transaction) and identification document (in the case of the exercise of a right), bank information (in case of reservation). By providing your personal data, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data in accordance with the rules set forth herein.

Foundation Purposes
Performance of the Contract to which the data subject is a party; or carrying out pre-contractual due diligence at the request of the data subject Management of the provision of products and services

Contact & Complaint Management

Compliance with legal obligations to which TEPPE Group companies are subject Compliance with legal and tax obligations

Product and service management

Accounting and Financial Reporting

Account Management

Production of management information

Provision of mandatory information and response to requests from public authorities

Satisfaction of the legitimate interests of the TEPPE Group Contact & Complaint Management

Customer management

Production of management information

Product and service management

Direct marketing and/or marketing

Lead Management

Customer Satisfaction Assessment

Litigation case management

Consent Direct marketing and/or marketing


The TEPPE Group is responsible for the collection and processing of the User’s personal data, under the terms and for the purposes of the applicable data protection legislation.

The TEPPE Group collects the personal data processed in order to carry out due diligence at the request of the User prior to the conclusion of a contract through our form here.

With the User’s consent, their data may also be processed for clarifications requested through the following form https://www.teppe/contactos.

The sending of our newsletters, as well as information about promotions and direct marketing, requires the user’s consent.

Usage rights

As the holder of your personal data, the TEPPE Group guarantees you the right to access, rectify, update, limit and delete your personal data at any time, as well as the right to object to its use for direct marketing campaigns.

To this end, the User may change his/her preferences through the e-mail address dpo@teppe.com, expressing his/her intention in writing. Under the terms of the applicable legislation, the User has the right to withdraw his/her consent to the processing of the data for the purposes indicated through the contacts provided, although this does not affect the validity of the data processing previously carried out.

You can exercise these rights directly by sending an email or writing to:

Email: dpo@teppe.com
Address: R. de Guerra Junqueiro 447 4150-389 Porto, Portugal

Retention of personal data

Without prejudice to legal or regulatory provisions to the contrary, Personal Data will be stored/processed only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or further processed.

After the retention period, the TEPPE Group will delete or, if it is in the interest of the companies of the TEPPE Group, anonymize the personal data in such a way that the Customer is not or can no longer be identified.

Personal data disclosure

The TEPPE Group does not share your information for marketing campaigns with companies outside the group or transfer your Personal Data to a third country.

The data collected is used to process your order, manage your account and, if you agree, email you information about other products and services that we think may be of interest to you.

Although the information provided is generally treated as private by the TEPPE Group, the data collected will be used in accordance with personal data protection standards, throughout the processing process; it may, however, be necessary to transfer Personal Data privately to other entities, namely, to respond to your request, within the scope of the product or service, to respond to a legal request, and when processing your request, we may send your data and also use information from credit and fraud prevention agencies.

The TEPPE Group may transmit your data to subcontractors for the purposes mentioned above, under the terms of the agreement entered into with these entities.

The TEPPE Group may also transmit your data to third parties, namely: under the terms of the law, a decision of the National Data Protection Authority or another Data Protection Authority, a court decision or other legitimate purpose arising from the law.

Safety Precautions

The TEPPE Group makes its best efforts to protect Users’ personal data against unauthorized access via the Internet. To this end, it uses security systems, rules and procedures to ensure the protection of personal data, as well as to prevent unauthorised access to data, misuse, disclosure, loss or destruction.

The TEPPE Group guarantees privacy and security in the transmission of User data through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption of all information exchanged with the Foundation on the Internet.

In any case, it is important to note that, when circulating data on an open Internet network, the risk of unauthorized access and use cannot be completely eliminated, so the User must implement appropriate security measures when browsing the Website, in order to avoid the risk of access to personal data and passwords by unauthorized third parties.

Cookies Policy

A cookie is a text file that is automatically stored in users’ browsers when they access certain websites. The cookie allows the identification of the browser on the server, the storage of information aimed at improving the user experience and the analysis and review of the performance of the website.

On the TEPPE Group website, we use cookies with the intention of offering you the best possible experience throughout your browsing. The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies we use, detailing what a cookie is, what its purpose is and what types of cookies we use on this site. We understand that you agree to this Cookie Policy by continuing to use our site.

What types of cookies are there?

There are several types of cookies.

As for their duration, they can be classified as

Persistent cookies – which remain in your browser until they expire or are deleted. Expiry dates vary depending on the nature and purpose of each cookie. These cookies collect information about the use of the website in order to improve the services provided and to evaluate its performance.

Session cookies – which expire automatically when you close your web browser. These cookies collect information about web traffic patterns to identify problems and provide you with a better experience.

Regarding your domain, cookies can also be:

First-party cookies: cookies placed by a computer or domain managed by the TEPPE Group;

Third-party cookies: These are cookies placed by a device or domain that is not managed by the TEPPE Group, but by another entity that processes the data collected through cookies.

Cookies used on the Teppe Group WebSite

The TEPPE Group website uses various types of cookies, which allow basic and advanced functionalities to be monitored, with different degrees of optimization of the browsing experience and service levels.

According to the managing entity:

– First-party cookies: those that are sent to your device from the servers and domains of the TEPPE Group website.

– Cookies implemented by third parties: those that are sent to your device from servers or domains that are not managed by the TEPPE Group, but by our partners

According to the life cycle:

– Session cookies: These are temporary and remain on your device only while you browse our site. As soon as the browser window is closed, session cookies cease to exist. The information obtained allows us to identify problems and find solutions to offer you a better browsing experience.

– Permanent cookies: they are stored at the level of the internet browser, on the access devices you use (computer, tablet and smartphone), and are used whenever you visit our website again. Generally, they serve to direct navigation, as a way to optimize your experience, allowing us to provide a more personalized service. Permanent cookies have a set expiry date and only expire after that expiry date.

According to your goal:

– Necessary cookies: These help to make our website useful by enabling basic functions such as browsing and accessing pages to protect areas of the website. The site may not function properly without these cookies;

– Preference cookies: they allow the website to remember information that changes the behaviour or appearance of the pages, such as the preferred language or the geographical area in which it is located;

– Statistical cookies: allow us to understand how users interact with our website, collecting and disseminating information anonymously.

– Marketing cookies: these are used to track the journey of users through the site. The goal is to show ads that are relevant and appealing to the individual user, and therefore more valuable to independent publishers and advertisers.

Change preferences

Web browsers allow Users to configure their device settings to accept all cookies, to know when a cookie is set, or to never receive cookies.

If your privacy settings are set to “high”, you will not be able to access some of our features and will be able to use them in full. To adjust your settings, you can add one of our web addresses to the list of permitted websites in your privacy settings, such as: www.seven-o-five.com. If you are accessing one of our websites through a company computer and you are experiencing difficulties, the problem may be with the company’s security settings. We recommend that you contact your system administrator.

For more information about cookies in general and/or how to disable them, you can visit www.allaboutcookies.org to learn more about how to manage your settings.

Please note that by disabling cookies completely, some or all of the website’s features may no longer be available.


Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial action, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission or other competent supervisory authority under the law, if he considers that the processing of his data by the TEPPE Group, at any time, violates the applicable legal framework.

Questions and suggestions

If you have any questions related to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of the rights conferred on you by applicable legislation and, in particular, referred to in this Policy, you should contact us through the following means:

Email: dpo@teppe.com

Address: R. de Guerra Junqueiro 447, 4150-389 Porto, Portugal

Changes to this policy

TEPPE Group, may change this Policy at any time, in which event said changes will be duly made available on the Website.